Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Prophet and Mercy

Prophet – Proclaiming truth. The motivation is to reveal unrighteous motives or actions by presenting God’s truth. The prophet needs to cultivate and exercise a clear conscience. This will enable the prophet to speak the truth boldly with love. The motives need to be clear and positive to further God’s kingdom in love. Rom. 12:9. Peter is a good example of a prophet, impulsive and brash. Love without hypocrisy. Abhor evil. Cling to good.

Characteristics of prophets –

a. Need to express themselves

b. Quick impressions of people

c. Alertness to dishonesty

d. Desire for justice

e. Open about their own faults

f. Wholehearted involvement

g. Loyalty to truth vs. people

h. Willingness to suffer for right

i. Persuasive in defining truth

The misuses of the prophecy gift –

a. Exposing without restoring

b. Jumping to conclusions

c. Reacting harshly to sinners

d. Being unforgiving

e. Condemning themselves

f. Being impetuous

g. Cutting off people who fail

h. Lacking tactfulness in rebuke

i. Dwelling on the negative

a. Truthfulness – Eph. 4:25. Speaking truth develops trust in those who listen. Learn to be a reliable messenger. Gain approval of others without misrepresenting the facts. Face the consequences of a mistake.

b. Obedience – 2 Cor. 10:5. Fulfill instructions so that God and the one I am serving will be satisfied. The prophet needs to be able to submit to authority, even when they don’t agree. You may have to yield the right to make the final decision. A mature prophet has learned to work with others and delegate authority.

c. Sincerity – 1 Pet. 1:22. Eagerness to do what is right with transparent motives.

d. Virtue – 2 Pet 1:3. The influence that God is having on others through my life regardless of past failures. Build personal moral standards which will cause others to desire a more Godly life.

e. Boldness – Acts 4:29. Confidence that what I have to say or do is true and right and just in the sight of God. Base words and actions in the authority of Scripture.

f. Forgiveness – Eph. 4:32. Learning to demonstrate Christ’s love toward an offender. Remember how much God has forgiven you. Learn to see spiritual value in the hurts God allows through people.

g. Persuasiveness – 2 Tim. 2:24. Using words which cause the listener’s spirit to confirm that he is hearing truth. Guide people to important truths around their mental roadblocks.

Mercy – The basic principle that someone who is motivated by mercy needs to cultivate is moral freedom. This protects the one with this gift from improper relationships. John is a good example of a mercy. Weep with and rejoice with.

Characteristics of a mercy –

a. Deeply loyal to friends

b. Need for deep friendships

c. Empathize with people who are hurting

d. Decisions based on benefits

e. Deeply sensitive to loved ones

f. Attract people in distress

g. Desire to remove hurts

h. Measure acceptance by closeness

i. Attracted to prophets

The misuses of the mercy gift –

a. Taking up offenses

b. Becoming possessive

c. Tolerating evil

d. Failing to be firm

e. Leaning on emotions vs. reason

f. Defrauding opposite sex

g. Reacting to God’s purposes

h. Failing to show deference – they treat everyone the same

i. Cutting off insensitive people

The mercy characteristics…

a. Attentiveness – Heb. 2:1. Showing the worth of a person by giving undivided attention to his words and emotions.

b. Sensitivity – Rom. 12:15. Knowing by the promptings of God’s Spirit what words and actions will benefit the lives of others. Avoid danger by sensing wrong motives in others.

c. Fairness – Luke 6:31. Looking at a decision from the viewpoint of each person involved. Learn to gather all the facts before making a conclusion. Look at a situation through the eyes of each one involved.

d. Compassion – John 3:17. Investing whatever is necessary to heal the hurts of others.

e. Gentleness – 1 Thess. 2:7. Showing personal care and concern in meeting the needs of others.

f. Deference – Rom. 14:21. Limiting my freedom to speak and act in order not to offend the tastes of others.

g. Meekness – Ps. 62:5. Yielding my personal rights and expectations to God.

You can see how all of these characteristics, regardless of motivational gift, can be utilized/cultivated by all Christians.